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In today’s world, Camp Michaels creates a place where our young people can:
• Learn what it takes to be a leader. A wilderness setting is the perfect classroom for young people to grow through our National Youth Leadership Training program.
• Better understand how we interact with the world around us. The expansive property is a collaborative environment for Scouts as well as other groups and schools.
• Experience the wilderness in a way not available to most young people. The high adventure challenges presented make Camp Michaels a unique facility.
By supporting the development of this camp, you are creating a place where the youth of today can become the leaders of tomorrow. Camp Michaels has long been the Dan Beard Council’s beloved rustic camp in the beautiful back-country of Northern Kentucky. Beginning in the summer of 2010, the council began a feedback and visioning process to determine the future of this unique property. We’re please to share with you the current plans for the future of Camp Michaels.
Camp Michaels Centerpiece: Eagle Leadership Lodge
Construction has started for what will be the true centerpiece of Camp Michaels!
The Eagle Leadership Lodge will feature a 2500 square foot great hall for large gatherings, and a fully equipped kitchen that can support unit functions such as Blue & Gold banquets or courts of honor, a first aid & administrative space, and modern bathrooms. The north wall of the Eagle Lodge can be opened to create an indoor/outdoor setting. The terrace will overlook the fields and Gunpowder Creek allowing for a spectacular view.
Camp Michaels Timeline
The Eagle Lodge is under construction now, with completion anticipated around the end of the year. We’ll be adding the shower house in April. The yurts, will be coming this Fall, and the amphitheater and OA circle will be added in the spring/summer. There will be a ribbon cutting celebration for our donors and friends in the spring!
The news that everyone may be interested in: Camp Michaels will be re-opened for camping next summer – and the 2021 NYLT course will be held there!
For more information about the Camp Michaels Capital Campaign, or to schedule a donor tour, please contact Andrew Zahn, Scout Executive/CEO, at
(513) 577-7680 or emailing him at andy.zahn@scouting.org.