Scouting Update - Changes to the Scouting Restart Safely Guide!
Updated 2/28/2022
Updated 4/7/2021
Update for June 2021
Updated 11/02/2020
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 – Both Ohio and Kentucky have have announced that health orders related to Covid-19 will expire in the coming weeks. In preparation of these updates, DBC has been able to revise its “Scouting Safety Recommendations & Planning Guide”. Click here for a PDF of the document to review.
These are best practices developed with consideration of updated recommendations from the CDC for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. Until the state health orders issued have fully expired (Ohio anticipated June 2 and Kentucky anticipated June 11), units should continue to follow DBC’s April 7 guidance.
The health and safety of all of our Scouts and their families remains everyone’s top concern. However, based on these recommendations, your unit may feel that some additional Scouting activities are possible. As always, unit leadership should review plans with their charter partner organization and unit committee before proceeding.
The Dan Beard Council stands ready to help units restart and grow. Unit leadership should reach out to their district executive, unit resource coach, or unit commissioner for help or with questions.
An additional great resource for units as they consider planning their summer and fall activities will be the DBC Program Kickoff. Every unit will be encouraged to have at least one adult leader participate in this virtual event. Please save the date for June 3, 2021 at 6pm. Click here to register for Program Kickoff.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021 – Both Ohio and Kentucky have recently modified their guidance related to Covid-19 safety and group activities. In accordance with these updates, DBC has been able to revise its Scouting Safety Recommendations & Planning Guide.
The health and safety of all of our Scouts and their families remains everyone’s top concern. However, based on these recommendations, your unit may feel that some additional Scouting activities are possible. As always, unit leadership should review plans with their charter partner organization and unit committee before proceeding.
The Dan Beard Council stands ready to help units restart and grow. Unit leadership should reach out to their district executive, unit resource coach, or unit commissioner for help or with questions.
An additional great resource for units as they consider planning their summer and fall activities will be the DBC Program Kickoff. Every unit will be encouraged to have at least one adult leader participate in this virtual event. Please save the date for June 3, 2021 at 6pm. Additional details and registration information will be shared on or around April 15, 2021.
Friday, August 7, 2020 –As summer draws to a close, Scouting families begin to think about regular meetings and fall activities. The majority of Scouting happens in the local troop, pack, or crew, and restarting an active unit program is essential. After reviewing our operations, and guidance from the State of Ohio and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, we have developed guidelines for units to utilize as they restart Scouting activities this fall. Click this link here for a useful chart that can be used to help guide unit committees in developing plans for meetings, outings, and other unit activities. Please be mindful of this guidance, and the specific guidance of the state or county in which your activity is planned.
For the health and safety of our Scouts, leaders, staff, and the extended community, we have modified many of our council and district activities to allow for a safe, physically distanced experience. We know that these activities are highlights of the Scouting year, and the health and safety of our Scouting family is our top priority.
With safety in mind, a team of volunteers and staff have been developing plans for alternative council and district programs and alternative delivery models when appropriate.
This fall, several exciting activities and trainings will be offered in a modified format.
- Wood Badge: Offered at Camp Friedlander to allow for more physical distancing in training sessions, Wood Badge is the ultimate leadership training for Scouting adults.
- NYLT: National Youth Leadership Training will be offered as a split course held over two weekends at Camp Friedlander with physical distancing in place.
- District Trainings: Trainings such as Baloo or Leader Specific will be held in small groups to meet current guidelines.
- Spook-O-Ree: Plans are being developed for a drive-thru experience at Camp Friedlander. Stay tuned for more information
- Additional programs: Other programs in November and December are also being considered for modified formats to allow for a safe experience. Please stay tuned for further announcements about these exciting programs.
Recognizing that some programs are not easily facilitated in a small group setting, we have determined that some programs will be either postponed or cancelled.
- District wide Cuborees will be postponed until spring of 2021
- District-wide fall Camporees will not be held in 2020
The Dan Beard Council is excited to be able to open Camp Friedlander in a limited capacity to troop, pack, and crew reservations starting August 21, 2020. Guidelines for use can be found on the enclosed chart, and reservations can be made starting August 10, 2020 at 1:00 PM.
We hope you find these resources helpful as you begin planning an exciting program for your Scouts this fall. Please reach out to your District Executive if you have questions or need additional support.