Q: Why do we have different standards of leadership required for year-round shooting and resident camp shooting?
A: This is a result of the BSA managing known risks for the safety of our volunteers and Scouts. The resident camp is a more controlled and structured environment with an additional week of training for the shooting sports staff under the leadership of a National Camping School certified director. Shooting on the weekends is managed using the leadership of NRA certified instructors and range safety officers (where each of these individuals has a specific duty to either instruct or run the range). Given the short-term nature of the event, additional training is not possible, so two-deep leadership is required to conduct the program.
Q: What shooting programs can Cub Scouts participate in?
A: Cub Scouts can shoot BB-gun rifles, slingshots, and archery in a council or district event, but not at a unit event. Catapults can be used during a unit-organized event.
Q: Can Cub Scouts or Webelos shoot shotguns or .22-caliber rifles in resident camps, day camps, or unit activities?
A: No, these are activities they can look forward to participating in when they become Boy Scouts.
Q: What shooting sports programs can Webelos participate in?
A: Webelos can shoot pellet rifles, BB-gun rifles, slingshots, and archery, but it must be a council or district event, not a unit event. Catapults can be used at a unit-organized event.
Q: How do I find a range officer for my Cub Scout pack?
A: Cub Scouts are only allowed to shoot at a district or council event. If your pack wants to organize a BB-gun or archery event, please contact your local council’s shooting sports chairman or shooting sports director for information on the council’s shooting sports programs.
Q: How can I get trained to run the Cub Scouts BB-gun or archery range at a day camp or resident camp?
A: You should contact your local council shooting sports chairman or shooting sports director for more information.
Q: What type of training do I need to help in the Cub Scout day camp or resident camp programs?
A: You need to be a trained as a Cub Scout range officer by a National Camp School shooting sports director.
Q: How long does the training take?
A: The training is 90 minutes for Cub Scout archery and 150 minutes for Cub Scout BB gun. Instructors must use the training syllabus in the new Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Sports Manual –page 73 for archery and page 83 for BB guns. You may be certified in either discipline or you can be certified in both.