How do Scouts benefit from the Friends of Scouting annual giving campaign? In the funding of the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America, the question frequently arises – just what does this expenditure of Council budgeted money mean to our Pack, Troop, Crew or Post?

Here’s a Partial List of Services Received:
Dan Beard Council is 100% locally funded and is its own 501C3. All of the funding needed to deliver our local program comes from local donations, and all of your support stays 100% local to support our Scouts. This also means that that all of your registration fees and magazine fees are sent directly to the National Organization, so our local program is funded in large part by your generous support through Friends of Scouting.
The year-round operation and maintenance of Camp Friedlander, Camp Craig, Cub World and Camp Michaels. Here are just a few projects over the past few years: New fishing lake and equipment, new archery equipment, new climbing wall face and grips, new flooring and carpentry at Cub Castle and Fort, COPE & Climbing repairs, new shelters, paving, lakefront beautification, and many structures received new roofs, among other improvements. Many of these facilities, campsites, and supplies are free to use for local Scout units.
Providing the Unit with District and Council activities to improve its own program. Some of these events are: Peterloon, Spook-O-Ree, Camporees, Community Service Projects, Day Camps, Klondike Derby, Pinewood Derby and a variety of High Adventure events for older Scouts and Venturers.
Processing and maintaining a permanent record of membership, advancements, and training for each youth and adult.
Maintaining a large supply of literature, trainings, fliers, forms, badges, certificates, etc.
The preparation, production, and distribution of information bulletins and a website that assists units and leaders in providing youth with a quality program.
Handling thousands of phone calls from unit leaders, parents, donors, the general public and others desiring information related to the program.
Providing liability insurance which protects both unit leaders as well as the chartered partner organization. The premium on this insurance costs several thousand dollars annually.
Providing a reservation system where all Scouting units can use facilities for both weekend camping and long-term summer camp at Camp Friedlander, Camp Craig, Cub World, and Camp Michaels.
Training opportunities for all volunteer leaders. Training is accomplished through scheduled training courses and monthly roundtable meetings. Training awards and other Scouter recognitions are provided at no cost.
A staff of both professional and volunteer personnel to assist units that may be having difficulties to ensure the youth continue to have a great program experience.