Statue of Dan Beard Unveiled

Council Scout Executive and CEO Tom Dugger watches as statue benefactor Bob Griffin (far left) and statue artist John Hebenstreit (far right) pull the veil off of Uncle Dan.
On Saturday, October 24th, more than 200 scouts and scouters gathered at the Scout Achievement Center to be the first to see the life-size statue of our council’s namesake, Dan Beard.

“Uncle Dan”, as the statue is called, stands as a tribute to one of the founding pioneers of the Boy Scouts of America. Information about the man is on a plaque located next to the statue.The day of celebration began with a luncheon for members of the Second Century Society – those people who have committed to growing the council’s endowment by including Scouting in their will.
The day culminated when long-time Scouter Bob Griffin pulled the cover off to reveal the statue. Bob commissioned the artwork as a way for all of us to have a better understanding of the importance Dan Beard played in the creation of the BSA.
Next time you’re at the SAC, stop by and say hello to our uncle!