This Is Scouting
This is Scouting is an optional course for registered leaders of all Scouting program levels (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing). The Training Committee of Dan Beard Council HIGHLY Recommends that all new leaders and adults complete this course) This is Scouting provides an overview of the Scouting organization including history, values, programs, Youth Protection, community involvement, and training. The module consists of six videos sections, each followed by a brief quiz. The modules include:
- Scouting’s mission, vision,and values
- BSA programs for all ages and abilities
- How Scouting is fun
- Scouting’s role in the community
- BSA Youth Protection policies
- Scouting’s legacy
If the module is completed online and your MyScouting account is connected to your BSA membership record, completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database. Participants receive a certificate of completion when they correctly answer questions at the end of each module. Estimated time to complete is 50 minutes.
For those familiar with previous training courses, This Is Scouting replaces New Leader Essentials.
Click here to login to MyScouting to take this course online now!