Wednesday, June 12th

6:00pm Gathering | 6:30pm Program

Scout Achievement Center

10078 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, Oh 45241

The purpose of the Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award is to recognize outstanding services by an adult individual or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income urban backgrounds.

The objectives of the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Service Award are:

  • To recognize an individual or company for its involvement in helping creating a better environment for low income or rural neighborhoods with use of Scouting or other programs.
  • To showcase ScoutREACH Scouting programs that give special leadership and emphasis to urban or rural area programs.
  • To raise funds to support ScoutREACH efforts in the Dan Beard Council. Over 90% of the funding, leadership and program fees in the outreach programs are provided by the Council. Hopkins is the beneficiary of the funds raised from this event. This year, over 1800 youth will be active and engaged in Scouting through the Queen City District
Event Co-Chairs
Jason Dunn, Sr.
Andrá R. Ward
Russell Hairston, Executive Director
Avondale Development Corporation
Beth Robinson, President & CEO
Uptown Consortium

Courtis Fuller
News Broadcaster

Albert C. Smitherman
CEO and Owner 
Jostin Construction, Inc.

Liza D. Smitherman
Chief People Officer of 
Jostin Construction, Inc. &
Owner of 
Brewster Pumping, LLC

Roderick Hinton
Chief Operating Officer at
Best Point Education &
Behavioral Health

Paul Head Whitney Young

Paul M. Booth
Division Manager,
Office of Human Relations

City of Cincinnati

Darryl Peal Whitney Young Dinner

Darryl A. Peal
Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer &
Title IX Coordinator
Northern Kentucky University


Title Sponsor | $5,000 
Three Tables with 6 Seats Each • Recognition as Title Sponsor • Logo in Event Program and On Screen During the Event

Event Sponsor | $3,000 
Two Tables with 6 Seats Each • Recognition as Event Sponsor • Recognition in Event Program

Eagle Sponsor | $1,500
One Table with 6 Seats • Recognition in Event Program

Gold Sponsor | $1,000
4 Seats at a Table • Recognition in event program

Silver Sponsor | $500
2 Seats at a Table •  Podium Recognition

Individual Ticket
1 Seat at a Table

We ask that individual attendees consider a $250 donation


2019  |  2018  |   2017

For more information, please contact Blaire Sullivan at (513) 577-7692 or