Ed Milbrada Selected for St. George Award

According to the nomination form “The St. George Award of the Episcopal Church is a national recognition to acknowledge distinguished service by adults in the spiritual, physical, mental, and moral development of youth through service to the Church and through national youth agency programs. The award may be presented to any adult (including laypersons, ordained persons, professional church workers, men and women) who are active in their church and one or more of the national youth agencies (Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., Camp Fire USA, 4-H, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, and Daughters of the King).” The nominee must be nominated by someone other than themselves or their spouse and must have at least 5 years of service and provide support and encouragement to the youth of the episcopal church to join a national youth program, recruiting volunteers, and serve in a leadership role.
Ed is a member of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in West Chester. He serves as a member of the National religious relationships committee, as one of 3 representatives from the Episcopal church. He has been the coordinator for the Episcopal tent at 3 National Jamborees promoting the Episcopal religious programs. Ed serves as Eagle coordinator for Troop 974 in West Chester and is a the past committee chair. Ed and his wife Jeanne have 2 grown children.