Workforce Readiness Starts With Us

We have a crisis within skilled trades. Local businesses are struggling to find enough talent to fill their job openings; this will only compound as experienced employees continue to retire over the next decade. In addition, high school graduates are increasingly searching for career paths beyond the expensive option of going to a traditional four-year college.
The Scouting program includes effective introductions to several skilled trades through merit badges and activities; however, the Council currently offers very few of these opportunities locally. A new Skilled Trades Center at Camp Friedlander would provide a safe, effective, and unique venue to introduce, educate and instruct Scouts as well as community youth to the in-demand field of skilled trades. 


How You Can be Part of the Legacy

Center Naming Opportunities Available 

• Skilled Trades Center Naming Rights
• Metal & Plumbing Classroom
• Electrical Classroom
• Robotics Classroom
• Carpentry Classroom
• Automotive Classroom
• Welding Classroom
• Maker Space Classroom

Skilled Trades Program Sponsorships

• Cash & In-Kind for Construction of Center
• Skilled Trades Director & Staffing Sponsorships
• Classroom Equipment (Initial & On-Going)
• Merit Badge & Skill Workshops
• In-Kind Support (Staffing, Mentoring, etc.)
• Annual Operating & Long-Term Endowed Gifts