The Dan Beard Council Silver Beaver Alumni Association (SBAA) is a fellowship of recipients of the Silver Beaver Award with a variety of aims, which may include social interaction among members, providing support for Scouting development, giving volunteer service, cultivating leadership, and otherwise enhancing the quality of Scouting in the Dan Beard Council.
Executive Committee Members
- President – Chuck Hertlein
- Immediate Past President – Carlos Teran
- Founding Member – Charlie Garrison
- Treasurer – Mike Rohrkemper
- Development Chair – Doug Bolton
- Nominating Chair – Jack Kraeutler
- Membership Chair – Phil Present
- Service Chair – Steve Richter
- Member at Large – Doug Siebenburgen

Using the collective experience of the Silver Beavers, we will bring resources to bear on the mission of the Dan Beard Council and will be an example of what it means to provide distinguished service to youth through our ongoing relationship with Scouting.
To be an example of excellence in volunteer engagement for the Dan Beard Council.
Silver Beaver Award
The Silver Beaver Award is bestowed upon those persons who have given continued, unselfish, and effective service to the community, usually through the program of the Boy Scouts of America, but not limited to Scouting. Because Scouters may not nominate themselves for this award, only those persons who have been nominated by their Scouting peers are considered. The Silver Beaver Award is the highest recognition a local Council can bestow upon volunteer leaders.