Sharing the Scouting Story from local families
Why did your family get involved in Scouting?
Our Son Elijah started scouting as a first grader in 2011 with Pack 3019 in Middletown, Ohio because my Wife and I have always enjoyed outdoor activities like camping, hiking, and canoeing. But Scouting turned out to be much more than just a good excuse to spend time outside. The “life lessons” learned from Scouting are often over looked. Examples include bike safety, handy man, citizenship, etc. How many adults can name all their government leaders? Not many once you get past President and Vice President. Cub Scouts learn “life lessons” while earning advancements and those belt loops/pins added up to important knowledge that we are glad our family had the opportunity to participate in.
How has Scouting made an impact on your family?
The biggest impact is all these scouting opportunities has allowed our family to spend quality time together. We have made new friendships with other Scouts and their families that will last a life time.
What lessons have you and your son learned while in Scouting?
There are so many things we have learned from Cub Scouts over the last 5 years it is difficult to iterate on all of them. One important lesson is it can be fun to learn new things!! Receiving advancement and recognition at the pack meetings is encouragement to learn more! Some of our favorites include swimming, archery, and engineering pin. The Boy Scout motto to “Always be Prepared” has been a repeated lesson we have learned when it comes to packing for camp outs. Now we make a list and check it twice before camping.
What do you like the most about Scouting?
Getting outside is for sure a big like for our family. The friends we have met by Scouting is what we enjoy the most. Our Son has really bounded with the boys in his den. Last year we moved to Springboro, Ohio but our Son’s ties with his pack are so strong that we decided to stay with Pack 3019 and when he crossed to Boy Scouts Troop 718 both in Middletown, Ohio. Mr. Dave Erwin our Son’s Den Leader and Cub Master made sure the Webelos in Pack 3019 interacted with the Boy Scouts of Troop 718 on several summer camp outs. These camp outs increased Elijah’s interest in Boy Scouts and always were a joy to attend.
Press play below to watch the awesome video of Webelos Pack 19 cross over to Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts is adult led so the adults need to take an active role. Adults should use their imagination and try to find ways to make activities fun. Our boys are only little for a short time. There will be time later in life to work or do adult extra-curricular activities, but Cub Scouts only lasts five years.
Our family will miss Cub Scouts and we look forward to new adventures in Boy Scouts. A lot of people in council, district, and the pack have made this Cub Scout adventure possible but one person stands out and that is Mr. Dave Erwin. Mr. Erwin has been doing Scouting for over 40 years there is rarely a weekend when he is not Scouting. If you are Middletown, Ohio area and have a 1st – 5th grader consider Pack 3019 as they are an active Cub Scout Troop seeking new Cub Scouts and their families. Contact Pack 3019 or Glenna Shetterly
Cub Scouts is like other things in life you get out of it what you put into it.