The Scouts build amazing adventures. Sharing the memories you make with your Scout on your social media account is one of the most powerful ways to increase parent involvement and encourage others to join. The Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America has created the hashtag #ScoutSHARE to use with your photos of your Scouting adventures on these social media accounts to spread the word about how fun Scouting is!

What is #ScoutSHARE?
#ScoutSHARE is all about sharing the story and impact of Scouting across the community and we need your help. The most powerful way to grow your child’s unit or to grow the Scouting program is a parent talking to another parent about the value of Scouting, or a Scout inviting one of their friends to join them for the fun and adventure.
This fall, your family can enter for a chance to win weekly prizes! When you post on social media and use the hashtag #ScoutSHARE during August and September, you’ll automatically be entered into our weekly drawing for some awesome prizes such as gift cards to Kroger, Amazon and more. There will also be a BONUS drawing on September 1 for #ScoutSHARE Day! It has been proven that the Scouting adventure only gets stronger when more kids are involved and Scouts participate with their friends and peers. With more youth there are greater opportunities, more parent involvement, and stronger community ties.
Enter the #ScoutSHARE Contest and Qualify to Win Special Prizes!
Help us share the Scouting story! Scouts do so many amazing things, they go to amazing places, and they make incredible memories. Help tell the Scouting story by sharing these great adventures with us and with others. Simply take a moment to share a photo or something exciting you did this summer in Scouts on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram from August 29 – September 16, 2022. Be sure to type the hashtag #ScoutSHARE at the end of each post. Sharing your photos will qualify you to win gift cards such as Kroger, Amazon, and more!
Weekly drawings will be on August 29, (Bonus prize on September 1 for #ScoutSHARE Day), September 6, 12 and 19, 2022.
(Winners have until the Friday of each weekly drawing to claim their prize. Prizes that go unclaimed by winner will be awarded to a new winner the following week. Dan Beard Council employees or their relatives are not eligible to win.)
Exciting Weekly Themes!

• Share Scouting Family & Friends Photos (9/5–9/11)
• Share Community Service Photos (9/12–9/18)

#ScoutSHARE Day is September 1st!
Help spread the word and inspire future Scouts to build their adventure by wearing your uniform on September 1! Encourage all Scouts to show their Scouting pride by sporting their uniforms for #ScoutSHARE Day!
In honor of #ScoutSHARE Day, we will be giving away an extra prize. Be sure to post on your favorite social media accounts for your chance to win!
#ScoutSHARE Images to Share
Here’s a fun way to participate in #ScoutSHARE Day if you don’t have any Scouting photos of your own to share on your social media. Just right-click and select “Save As” to download the image to your desktop or phone. Drop these images into a social media post with the hashtag #ScoutSHARE and write about how much fun your child and family are having in Scouting! We even supplied a few text options to help you out. Thank you for helping us spread the word about Scouting!
Suggested Text:
- My Cub Scout is having tons of fun being with their friends and learning new things! Learn more at GoCubScouts.com. #ScoutSHARE
- Our family is having a great time in Cub Scouts! We get to spend quality time as a family doing so many fun activities. Learn more at GoCubScouts.com. #ScoutSHARE
- My Cub Scout is loving all of the fun activities he gets to do with his friends like archery! Learn more at GoCubScouts.com. #ScoutSHARE
Add Dan Beard Council ScoutSHARE Facebook Frames!

This is a great way to show your Cub Scouting pride on Facebook!
Share your Cub Scouting pride with friends, family members and that classmate from high school you’ve been meaning to get back in touch with. With these new Facebook profile picture frames, you can show that you’re a proud Cub Scout mom or Cub Scout dad or part of a proud Cub Scout family. You can add them to your Facebook profile photo in seconds!
The frames serve two equally awesome purposes: one, they tell the world that you’re a big part of this incredible movement called Scouting, and two, they invite your Facebook friends to ask you for more information about joining your Cub Scout pack.
We’ve already seen proud Scout families use these frames on Facebook.
You can too!
How to add a Scout profile picture frame on Facebook
1. Head to https://www.facebook.com/profilepicframes
2. Type in “Dan Beard Council” in the search box to use one of the Dan Beard Council Facebook Frames.
3. Select your desired frame and scale your profile photo as needed. This way you can avoid blocking key parts of your photo with the additional graphics. You also have the option to swap in another photo by selecting “Change Picture.”
4. Select “Use as Profile Picture,” at the bottom of the page to make your changes final. You can set a timeline for how long you’d like to keep this frame on your profile, as well.
5. Be Prepared for your friends and family to be in awe of your photo’s cool, new look.