Warren County Scouting Showcase

Hopewell District Presents:
The Warren County Scouting Showcase
Monday, September 20, 2021 | 7:00pm
Great Wolf Lodge
2501 Great Wolf Drive, Mason, OH 45040
The Warren County Scouting Showcase fundraiser for Hopewell District recognizes individuals in our communities of outstanding character or those who embody the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This virtual fundraiser is designed to increase Scouting awareness and support in the Hopewell District (Warren County). Donations will support Scouting programs in Hopewell District, provide outreach services for those at-risk youth, and continue to improve our communities through our service learning projects.
- Gift Amount: $5,000
- Three tables to invite 24 guests to attend the event on behalf of the company
- Name listed in title of the event (Presented by *Company Name*)
- Extensive advertising and promotional recognition developed in accordance with *Company Name’s* specific needs
- Recognition of *Company Name’s* CEO, *CEO Name*, with the John A. McMinn Memorial Award for service to Scouting and the Warren County Community
- Company logo featured on cover of program, placed prominently throughout the event space, and two full page ad space (centerfold spread) within event program
- Gift Amount: $3,500
- Two tables to invite 16 guests to attend the event on behalf of the company
- Extensive advertising and promotional recognition developed in accordance with *Company Name’s* specific needs
- Company logo featured on back cover of the program
- One full page ad inside the program
- Company Logo displayed prominently at the event in entrance hall and event hall
- The opportunity to stand up and be recognized at the front of the room during the event by event MC
- Gift Amount: $2,500
- One and a half tables to invite 12 guests to attend the event on behalf of the company
- Company Logo featured on inside back cover of the program
- One half page ad inside the program
- Company Logo displayed in the entrance hall
- Gift Amount: $1,000
- One table to invite 8 guests to attend the event on behalf of the company
- Company logo featured on inside back cover of the program
- Company logo displayed in the entrance hall
- One individual ticket: $150
Questions? Please contact Cliff Bailey, District Director.