Scout Achievement Center Usage and Rental Policy

The Scout Achievement Center provides great activity spaces and resources for local Scouting to occur.  The spaces are available for use by local Scout units, community partners, non-profits, and other professional organizations.  In order to help ensure that we can continue to provide a welcome, clean, and inviting space for all users, the Scout Achievement Center will be implementing a new facility usage rental policy.   This new policy and any associated fees are in place to help specifically offset any additional staff time, cleaning and custodial services, as well as general building wear and tear.  For additional details, please see the updated policy and rental terms below.

SAC Rental – Weekend & Evening Pricing
 Half Day – Up To 4 Hours Full Day – From 4 to 8 Hours
 BSA UnitNon-Profit Community GroupBusiness or Professional Organization BSA UnitNon-Profit Community GroupBusiness or Professional Organization
Baker Room$100$125$150 $200$250$300
Board Room$75$85$100 $150$170$200
Cub Den$60$75$85 $120$150$170
Schott$60$75$85 $120$150$170
SAC Rental – Weekday Daytime Pricing (8:30am-5pm Only)
 Half Day – Up To 4 Hours Full Day – From 4 to 8 Hours
 BSA UnitNon-Profit Community GroupBusiness or Professional Organization BSA UnitNon-Profit Community GroupBusiness or Professional Organization
Baker Room$75$100$125 $150$200$250
Board Room$50$60$80 $100$120$160
Cub DenFree$50$75 $50$100$150
SchottFree$50$75 $50$100$150

Any DBC Charter Partner Organization who would like to use the SAC for non-BSA activities would qualify for
non-profit community group status for purposes of this rental.

District and council level committees should work with their district representative to reserve use as they would in the past. 

SAC would not typically host any political events or recurring religious services.