Popcorn Return Policies & Account Settlement
As in prior years, we’ll have a Popcorn Return day where units can return popcorn. Popcorn Return Day will be the morning of Saturday, October 26, 2024.
Below is a description of what returns typically look like:
There is one return day the weekend prior to your unit’s final order for units to return full cases of popcorn that were over ordered. We encourage units to utilize the popcorn swap days with other unit kernels to swap out product they don’t need for product they do, and to make full cases to return. Do NOT put stickers, tape, or anything detailing pricing on the product or it may not be accepted for return. Damaged product will not be accepted at return day.
Only Full Cases: Only a full case with the correct number of containers (bags/boxes) can be returned. A case where the cardboard case box has been opened CAN be returned as long as the opened case has the correct amount of like product items within.
No Returns on Chocolate Product: Chocolate products may not be returned. This includes “Chocolatey Pretzels” . These items are extremely sensitive to high temperatures and must be transported and stored properly.
You will need to schedule your drop-off using the Returns Day link that will be provided at a later date.
Transfers of Product to Other Units
Popcorn transfers are when one unit transfers product to another unit who is willing to accept that product. Both units’ accounts are then updated to reflect this. Transfers will be by container total. For example, 1 case of Unbelievable Butter has 6 Containers.
The unit that is GIVING the product to another unit is responsible for initiating and submitting the Online Transfer.
*ONLINE TRANSFERS – Transfers are completed online within the popcorn system.
- Login to your popcorn leader dashboard.
- On the left menu, click Transfers & Returns.
- Click the “transfer” icon next to one of the orders containing the product you’d like to transfer in order to view the order.
- Click the Transfer Inventory button at the top of the screen or it may auto prompt you.
- Use the drop downs to select the District and Unit # you are transferring the popcorn to.
- Click ok.
- Enter the quantities of cases (CS) and/or containers/individual bags (CT) that you are transferring to the other unit in the far right transfer quantity column.
- Click the submit transfer request button in the top right to submit the request.
- Once it’s approved by the receiving unit, the items will be removed from your inventory/invoice and moved to theirs. Then swap the product.
A couple of transfer nights will be setup for kernels to meet and trade product.
Restocking Fee:
Dan Beard Council allows you to return 10% of your Initial Order free and clear. After this allowance, there is a 10% restocking fee based on the remaining product cost returned. Example: A unit orders $1,500 of product for their initial order. 10% of $1,500 is $150. They have a $150 allowance that they can return. If they return $200 of popcorn, there will be a 10% restocking fee on the $50 remaining after the allowance. The total restocking fee in this case would be $5 ($50 x 10%). Remember to use leftover product from your Initial Order to fill orders from your Take Order sales before making your Final Order.
Only returns of full cases, of like product, will be accepted. Please remember that the Dan Beard Council is unable to return any popcorn to Trail’s End and therefore any excess that remains unsold has a direct, negative effect on all units and youth.
Account Settlements Payments:
Units are expected to carefully manage their inventory and finances so they are able to pay for their product in a timely manner and should expect their Scouts and parents to do likewise. You may settle your account with: CASH, CHECK, or CREDIT CARD* (cc fees apply).
Late fees will be assessed if received on or after the dates below for settlements received after the final due date of December 9.
2024 Late Fee Schedule:
December 11, 2024 2% late fee
December 16, 2024 4% late fee
December 23, 2024 6% late fee
December 31, 2024 8% late fee
*We can take credit card payments, but all credit card payments will incur a 2% processing fee