When participating in popcorn, Scouts gain self-confidence, people skills, money management, salesmanship, and business ethics – things that help prepare them for life! These are great values and skills for youth to learn.

Check out the list below of other reasons that units and leaders tell us why they sell.
Units earn roughly 40%-45% on average with a pre-built program designed for them (includes cash commission, prizes, giveaways and more). Many units earn enough commission to fund their entire year including membership fees, summer camp fees, activity fees and more.
Popcorn provides access to pre-established storefront locations. This means you get to sell popcorn to foot traffic at store locations rather than just asking those close to you.
Popcorn provides Free Events like access to the Cincinnati Zoo just for participating in popcorn and a fun Dave & Busters event for Scouts that sell enough popcorn. Do other fundraisers provide that?
On average a Scout sells about $150 worth of popcorn in 1 hour of dedicated time. That means with 5 hours of effort, a Scout can pay for his national membership dues, council activity fee, and a summer camp experience. Plus, the Scout will learn the value of earning that experience.
We provide a prize program to incentivize Scouts and families so that they benefit along with your unit. Years of sales history statistically shows that your unit will raise even more funds when offering prizes. Scouts can even earn free Summer Camp and unique Bonus Prizes. Best yet, we’ve done all of the work for the prize program so that you don’t have to spend time on this and can focus on organizing your sale.
The Trail’s End Scout Rewards program offers Amazon Gift Cards. Scouts can get the exact prize they want and the prizes apply to Scouts of any age or gender. Plus, we send the prize directly to the Scout so your unit kernel no longer will have to spend time collecting individual prize orders.
While a large portion goes directly to help fund and support your unit, when you sell popcorn, you also help the greater Scouting cause here locally. Additional funds are used to directly support the local Scouting program through camp improvements, equipment your unit uses like archery & bb guns, resources for your unit, facility improvements like composite decking at Cub World and more. Together we have all have a huge impact. Help to make sure your unit fundraiser supports Scouting rather than other 3rd parties.
Over 130 local units sell Popcorn. When you join popcorn, you join a unified effort that is promoted across the entire region. So your unit benefits from advertising and a well-known Scout fundraiser.
Through participation in the popcorn sale, Scouts can actually complete several requirements for various ranks or badges in Scouting. Think of it as a great win-win.
Updated Popcorn Leader Portal That Helps Manage the Sale & Assist Kernel
Trail’s End Rewards Program – Points Based
Free Credit Card Processing – Paid by us
Online Direct Shipping for Online Sales
New Contactless Ways to Sell – Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Cash App
Updated Popcorn App
Free Popcorn Festival Event for your Scouts
Online Transfers
Weekly Inventory Replenishments
Online Return Manager
Heroes and Helpers Donations
Additional Show & Sell Opportunities – Kroger Is Back!
Sample Product at Rally
Simplified Bonus Commission Structure
FUN Theme to get Your Scouts Excited – MINECRAFT!
Ideas and Items for Your Kickoff / Unit Kickoff
Ideas and Supplies for Your Kickoff
Free Credit Card Reader
Unit Posters
Saturday, July 13, 2024 – Popcorn Rally #1 | Scout Achievement Center
Monday, July 15, 2022 – Popcorn Rally #2 | West Chester Nazarene Church
Wednesday, July 7, 2022 – Popcorn Rally #3 | Camp Michaels, Union, KY
Tuesday, August 6, 2022 – Popcorn Rally #4 | Virtual Via Zoom