Saturday, August 19
Ziegler Park | Pendleton
1322 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, OH 45202
The PLN Dodgeball Championship is your chance to dodge, duck, dip and dive your way toward claiming the title Dodgeball Champion! Form your team or sign up as an individual and go head-to-head against others as you battle your way to the top!
Event proceeds benefit the Dan Beard Council ScoutREACH program which helps ensure every child has an opportunity to be a Scout, regardless of their circumstances, neighborhood, or ethnic background. ScoutREACH provides a safe environment for youth with positive adult role models who teach kids about healthy living, introduce future career opportunities, and encourage character development.
All revenue from the PLN Dodgeball Championship stays local!
*Photos will be uploaded after the event.

Your donation supports the ScoutREACH program which makes sure that every child has an opportunity to be a Scout, regardless of their circumstances, neighborhood, or ethnic background by providing a program that provides a safe environment for youth with positive adult role models who teach kids about healthy living, introducing future career opportunities, and reinforcing character development.

11:30am | Registration
12:00pm | Welcome
12:15pm | Tournament Begins
3:00pm | Tournament Finals Begin
3:30pm | Post-Event Meal, Awards
Event Includes: Event Includes lunch, live music, beverages and awards for the top teams
Platinum Sponsor ($7,500) | Four Dodgeball teams, court naming rights, logo on event t-shirt, private tent with catered lunch, logo on banners and in program, and professional photography of team provided to company after event
Gold Sponsor ($5,000) | Three Dodgeball teams, logo on event t-shirt and in program, professional photography of team provided to company after event, and sponsorship rights for one of the following areas:
- Opening Ceremony
- Water Station
- Awards Ceremony
- After Party
Silver Sponsor ($2,500) | Two Dodgeball teams, logo on event t-shirt and in program
Bronze Sponsor ($1,500) | One Dodgeball team, event t-shirt and in program
Individual Sponsor ($200) | Join other individual players to form a team and enjoy the day!
Can’t sponsor a team but want to help the cause? Consider:
T-Shirt Sponsor ($1,000) | Logo on event t-shirt
Web Sponsor ($500) | Logo on event website
Local12 WKRC News: Annual Dodgeball Championship raises money to send kids to camp
Check out the PLN Dodgeball Championship photos from past years by clicking on the year below to open the album, or on the carousel to expand the photos.
A Special Thank You to our Sponsors and Committee Members!
For more information, please contact Christina Waddle at (513) 991-7410 or Christina.Waddle@Scouting.org.