NYLT Course 1
Male & Female
(Linked Troop Model)
Sunday, June 8, 2025 to
Friday, June 13, 2025
Camp Michaels
NYLT Course 2
Male Troops
Sunday, June 15, 2025 to
Friday, June 20, 2025
Camp Michaels
NYLT Course 3
Male & Female
(Linked Troop Model)
Fri-Sun., October 10-12, 2025 and
Fri-Sun., October 17-19, 2025
Camp Michaels
Attend National Youth Leadership Training at Camp Michaels!
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting and powerful program designed to provide scouts 13-20 years of age with enhanced leadership skills training and experience they can use to lead themselves and others throughout the rest of their lives. This week-long outdoor experience for Scouts who are at least First Class, or a member of a Crew, Ship or Post, represents a month in the life of a typical Scout unit.
Course 1 and 3 will be running the Scouts BSA linked troop model with a male troop and a female troop, lead by a same gender Scoutmaster and SPL. Learning will be conducted together, but troops will be separated for patrol activities and camping.
The purpose of NYLT is to support the Unit Adult’s training of the youth leaders. The objectives of the course are to:
- Provide a toolbox of leadership skills
- Relate these skills to leading in their unit
- Instill knowledge and confidence to run the unit program
- Enhance the relationship between the Scout and their unit
- Share ideas and experiences with other Scouts
- Experience Scouting at its best
- Have fun!

Every day is filled with activity. The concepts of successful leadership are taught, demonstrated, and lived in the out of doors. Immediate use of new ideas is stressed in a fun atmosphere based on the principles of Scouting. Everything we do is applicable to unit leadership back home. Participants are taught by skilled Scout staff members and veteran adult leaders. The days are very full.

NYLT is a dynamic program that puts youth in leadership situations throughout the week. Participants will be challenged with obstacles, team building exercises, and hear from advanced NYLT youth about the principles of leading a team. Together, Scouts will work with other Scouts from around the council to form a team in their own patrol. They will meet new friends and learn the importance of being a team player by taking on several leadership roles. As a patrol, they will camp, cook, clean, and take on a number of exciting adventures as they go through the stages of development to perform as a group.
NYLT is an outdoor camping and learning program. Participants will be camping in their own tents throughout the week. The days are full, so getting good rest is important. A cot and or good sleeping pad is recommended. Your contact person (Admin) for your course will provide a full list of equipment participants will need to bring.
If regular medication is needed throughout the week while attending NYLT, the NYLT Staff is prepared and able to accommodate your needs. All participants are required to complete parts A, B, and C of the Boy Scouts of America Health Form. Part C does require a physical and health professional certification. Please be sure to bring enough medication, in the proper quantities and in the original containers for the week. Additional health related forms, as well as any other forms will be provided by each course Admin.
Per BSA National Policy to attend NYLT:
- Scouts BSA members (male and female) must be at least 13 and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program. They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops and attained First Class Rank.
- Venturers and Sea Scouts (male and female) must fall within the maximum age allowance for their program. They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews or Ships. It is recommended (but not required) that they have had at least one year of camping experience. While NYLT is not an outdoor skills course, it is assumed that each participant have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience.
All Second Week Discounts must be applied before full payment, either by using the discount code or by contacting the Program Director at 513-577-7686.
Please do not pay the full fee of $360/$390 if you qualify for a Second Week Discount. NO REFUNDS will be given if the discount is not used/requested correctly. If you use the discount codes on both registrations, you will be reassessed the discount and invoiced.
One course of NYLT & one week at Camp Friedlander | $100 off the second week | secondsweekCF |
Two or more weeks at Camp Friedlander | $100 off the second week | secondsCFweek |
Sales Tax
The state of Kentucky charges a 7% sales tax on this activity (6% sales tax and 1% transient room tax). If you are a unit with a tax exemption under your chartering organization AND you are paying using the unit’s account, you do not have to pay this tax. All others must pay this tax. If you are claiming tax exemption, you must send your supporting documents to Michelle Byrne at michelle.byrne@scouting.org. Documentation MUST be received by May 1st or within 7 days of registering, whichever is later. Failure to submit documentation will result in the sales tax being added to the registration. All participants must be paid in full prior to the first day of course in order to participate. Any questions can be directed to Michelle Byrne.
The Dan Beard Council, BSA promotes camping and does not want any Cub Scout, Scout BSA, or Venturer to miss the opportunity to attend a summertime camping or NYLT program offered by our Council due to financial hardship. For more information on Camperships and a link to the application, click here. Campership application processing will begin on April 15, 2024.

We hope you are as excited to join us at NYLT as we are. Your best point of contact for additional information is your courses volunteer Assistant Course Director of Administration who will reach out to you with more information. If you have additional questions you can contact:
- John Nelson, NYLT Council Coordinator, john94711@yahoo.com
- Ben Zumkehr NYLT Council Admin, nylt438@gmail.com
You may also contact the Scout Achievement Center and speak with Michelle Byrne at michelle.byrne@scouting.org or (513) 577-7686.
Emergency Contacts:
In the event of an absolute emergency you can contact the following in this order:
- Camp Michaels Eagle’s Lodge: (859)242-7710
- John Nelson, NYLT Council Coordinator: (513)365-5551, john94711@yahoo.com
- Michelle Byrne, Program Director: (513) 577-7686, michelle.byrne@scouting.org
Refund Policy
The Dan Beard Council will refund all but $50 per Scout for those who contact the NYLT Admin at nylt438@gmail.com, no later than 30 days prior to their arrival at NYLT. You may replace a registration with another, unregistered scout at no additional fee. No refunds will be given after the 30-day cancellation deadline.
NYLT Course Slideshow