LearnCenter Tutorials
[include:trainingpagemenu] LearnCenter Tutorials
Kick off a new year of Scouting with the training you need to be a successful leader. The BSA’s Scouting U team has released a number of leader trainings in the redesigned LearnCenter available at
Now at, leaders can get trained for their volunteer role without leaving the house. Complete the courses at your own pace from a home computer or tablet.The experts at Scouting U found that today’s adult learner prefers to consume smaller chunks of knowledge versus an all-day class, says Steve Yackel, team leader of Instructional Design at Scouting U. Adults also retain more knowledge, he says, if they are given the chance to put their newfound skills into action.
In the LearnCenter, leaders watch a series of eight- to 10-minute interactive videos in three sections: Before the First Meeting, Within 30 Days of taking the role, and Position Trained. The lessons are broken into three sections to allow leaders time to put their newfound knowledge into action. Of course, some will decide to complete all training sessions at once, which is the beauty of online training: It’s flexible and adaptable to your schedule and preferences.
Below are the details of the LearnCenter’s exciting new features developed by the Scouting U team. And remember, face-to-face training is still available for those who prefer this style of learning. Check with your district for the next available course.
Check out these instructional videos, below to help learn how to navigate the new LearnCenter system:
How to add training to My Learning
How to view and search course catalog
How to navigate My Learning Plan