Camp Friedlander offers nearly 70 merit badge programs! Some of the badges are difficult to earn anywhere but at summer camp. Some you wouldn’t expect to find at camp. And some are just plain fun or interesting.
Depending on their schedule, Scouts can earn as many as six or seven merit badges during the week. Our trained and knowledgeable Merit Badge Counselors instruct Scouts on requirements and provide the all-important hands-on experience a Scout needs to grasp an understanding in a particular field.
While many merit badges can be completed while at camp, some include requirements that must be met prior to arrival. Merit badges are not given away at camp, but with some pre-work and the guiding hand of the camp staff, we will ensure Scouts feel a sense of achievement as they learn new skills.

If you need assistance with merit badge registration, please contact Evan Bowman at (513) 577-7708 or at evan.bowman@scouting.org.

The Camp Friedlander merit badge and program schedule is organized to help Scouts make the most out of all the offered activities…
Most classes are 50 minute sessions, however, some of the more involved programs, such as the Archery and Climbing merit badges, require 90 minute sessions. Advanced programs such as COPE are held in three-hour blocks. All classes, unless otherwise noted on the schedule, are scheduled Monday through Friday.
To view a Merit Badge Time Chart, Program Area List, and Pre-requisites, go to http://www.danbeard.org/campforms
Scouts can plan their daily activities by using the Scout Activity Schedule. This form will allow them to see how their schedule will look for the week with the classes they have chosen. This form is for the benefit of the scout and the Troop Camp Coordinator; it does not need to be submitted to camp. To view the Scout Activity Schedule, go to Camp Forms.