Each Scout, adult, and visitor staying overnight at Camp Friedlander and the Webelos Camp are required to submit an official BSA Annual Health and Medical Record with parts A, B, and C completed upon arrival at camp. A completed form includes a copy of the participant’s medical insurance card. This form requires an annual update by a certified and licensed healthcare provider. This form must be updated and signed within 12 months of the date you will leave camp. Only submit copies of medical forms; do not submit originals. Do not mail forms to the council office; bring them to camp. An electronic and editable copy of the form can be downloaded by clicking the link above. Please note, non-BSA medical forms will NOT be accepted.
The Adventure Camp does not does not require a physician’s signature. It is to be filled out by the parent or guardian of the Scout and is required for the adults attending also.
Precautions for the safety of all Scouts and Leaders are paramount in the development of our programs and facilities. In the event medical needs arise while you are in camp, our Health and First Aid Facilities are available with qualified personnel on duty 24 hours a day. Additionally, we have an agreement with Bethesda North Hospital, located 7 miles from Camp Friedlander on Montgomery Road to handle any emergency that exceeds the capability of our trained medical staff.
As parents, leaders, and staff we look forward to each summer with a great deal of anticipation. However, we know that this year we must temper that enthusiasm with caution and careful planning. These are uncertain times. We understand that changes come quickly and in unexpected ways.
Priorities: The health and safety of everyone in our camps are our highest priority. At all times, we will conform to guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Ohio state health department, local health departments, law enforcement, and the Boy Scouts of America. Please bear in mind that in doing so, changes may occur without advance notice; we appreciate your understanding and support in this matter as we work together to keep everyone safe.
We are considering plans for adjustments to dining, flag assemblies, and other times where Scouts gather to allow everyone to comply with social distancing guidelines, should they still exist this summer. Additional measures for sanitation are also being enacted. Examples of these measures include the addition of hand sanitizer dispensers in each camping area, and procedures for disinfection of cots, mattresses and other surfaces throughout the camp.
All medications, prescription and not presctription, brought to camp by Scouts and adults are REQUIRED to be secured in a locked storage. This policy may seem too strict for over the counter medications; however, if a camper consumes medication that is not meant for them, it has deadly potential. There will be certain exceptions for lifesaving medications to be carried at camp. Our health officers will make this decision during the medical record review.
A designated troop leader should be named responsible for storing and distributing medications within the troop’s campsite upon approval of the Health Officer. The camp can provide lockable storage and medication logs upon request. Medications requiring refrigeration will be stored at the Health Lodge. Medication must be in the orginal container and contain the following information:
- Camper’s name and unit number
- Name of prescribing physician
- Prescription number
- Date prescribed
- Name of medication
- Directions for use