Jamboree Medical Forms
Jamboree Medical Forms
You will have upload an electronic copy to the National Jamboree, and submit a paper copy to your Local Jamboree Unit.
A few tips to make the process go smoother:
1. Use the Jamboree version of the forms – its almost the same as the regular forms, but has a few special fields: CLICK HERETO DOWNLOAD THE SUMMIT-SPECIFIC BSA FORM
2. Search your email for two emails from 2017jamboree@scouting.org. The first will have you generate a password. The second will assign your username. It will be a cryptic username that is system generated to insure privacy.
3. You will need to scan your insurance card IN A SEPARATE PDF Document then scan your four-page part A, B and C medical forms in a SEPARATE PDF Document.
4. You will upload the scanned documents AND enter much of the data on the screen as part of the process below.
5. Medical Forms must be dated AFTER July 1, 2016
Submission of the AHMR for the 2017 Jamboree will be an online, multi-step process. The entire process is explained here, with additional details provided below. A participant will need to:
- Download and print a hard copy of the Summit-specific BSA Annual Health and Medical Record form. CLICK HERETO DOWNLOAD THE SUMMIT-SPECIFIC BSA AHMR FORM
- Complete the medical history on the hard copy form (Parts A & B).
- Obtain a physical exam from your medical provider – Take the entire form (Parts A, B and C along with the High Adventure Risk Advisory) to your appointment.
- Have the physician review the entire form and complete, sign and date Part C.
- Sign the form yourself.
- Scan this form and other documentation & save as PDF copies to your personal computer.
- Access the participant’s “On-line AHMR” record.
- Enter the requested data into the online record using the data from the hard copy AHMR form.
- Upload the required scanned image of your hard copy AHMR form.
- Upload a copy of your insurance card.
- Upload a copy of your BSA Immunization Exemption form IF you claim Immunization Exemption.
- Upload any Supplemental Medical Information (optional).
- Submit for medical review.
Access to the Online AHMR Jamboree Medical Record (Step 7) is available to Jamboree participants beginning July 2016 and is initiated through customized, two-part emails sent directly to each participant from the 2017Jamboree@Scouting.org email address.
You will also need to submit a paper copy of your forms to your Unit for the Dan Beard Contingent Shakedown Campout.
Page updated February 17, 2017