How Cub Scouts Works
Build An Adventure in Cub Scouting!
Cub Scouts have the time of their lives making new friends and learning new things in an environment designed to help them suceed. From building his own Pinewood Derby® car to learning how to roast the perfect marshmallow with his best friends at a family camp out, your child will LOVE being a Cub Scout. So if he’s in the first through fifth grades, or 7 to 10 years old, then it’s time for him to have some fun with the Cub Scouts!
Ready to get started? Locate a Cub Scout Pack Near You
How Does Cub Scouting Work?
The Cub Scout program is designed to involve your son in a group of boys his own age where he can have fun, make friends and see new things. There he will also gain a sense of personal achievement from the new skills he learns.
Your Boy is a Member of a Den…
- A den is made up of no more than eight boys who are the same age and/or grade.
- The den meets two to three times a month. One of the den meetings each month is a “Go See It” or field trip.
- The den has a den leader, but the den leader shares the planning of the den meeting with the parents.
Your Boy is a Member of a Pack…
- A pack consists of several dens and meets once a month.
- The Cubmaster leads the monthly pack meeting, but each den will have a part in the pack meeting.
- Some months, the pack meeting will have special themes such as Pinewood Derby®, Blue & Gold banquet, or guest speakers. Other months may be devoted to recognizing the Scouts for the projects they have completed by the presentation of beads, belt loops, activity pins or rank advancements.