Give Your Way
Hello! My name is Andy Zahn and it is my honor to serve as the Scout Executive & Chief Executive Officer of Dan Beard Council.
As you likely know, the United Way of Greater Cincinnati recently made the decision to no longer fund Scouting nor recognize any donor designations to Scouting at Dan Beard Council. This decision effectively ended a 100-year partnership and creates a significant challenge as we work to replace over $300,000 in our annual funding.
This is why – today – we ask, as the United Way of Greater Cincinnati solicits for their fall campaign, that instead – you give your way – DIRECTLY to local Scouting at Dan Beard Council.
Scouting has served hundreds of thousands of young men and women in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky for over 100 years, guiding young adults to be exceptionally prepared to lead in their own way and make a positive impact in their personal lives, communities and professions throughout their lifetime.
Thank you for your steadfast support of local Scouting. Together, we can ensure this exceptional programming and much needed outreach, which have richly defined Scouting, continues for children and families in our region for generations to come.