The Dan Beard Council, BSA promotes camping and does not want any Cub Scout, Scout BSA, or Venturer to miss the opportunity to attend a summertime camping, NYLT or Powder Horn program offered by our Council due to financial hardship.
“A Scout is Thrifty.” The Boy Scouts of America and the Dan Beard Council encourage all Scouts to pay their own way to Scouting activities, as this philosophy supports the basic aims of Scouting. However, we realize that some Scouts need a little extra help at times in order to participate. The Campership program is designed to aid Scouting families in these circumstances and is funded by donors. These funds are specifically designated by our donors for use in assisting youth registered in the Dan Beard Council to attend Dan Beard Council camp, NYLT and Powder Horn programs.
We encourage Scouting Units and families to help Scouts earn funds for these events. In addition to Camp Cards, Popcorn Sales, other fundraisers, and Unit or chartered organization assistance, we also suggest doing a service project. It is not required, although preference may be given to those Scouts that complete a project. The project should make the Scout feel like they have helped earn their way to camp. Requirements and subject of the project are at the discretion of the Unit leader and Committee Chairman. This must be in addition to the service used for rank advancement.
If, after trying all of the above, the Unit finds that a Scout still needs financial help, the Dan Beard Council Campership program will attempt to provide assistance. The Unit should discreetly work with the family and carefully follow the procedure outlined below:
- Verify with the family that there is a true need. Make sure that all other sources of funds have been exhausted before requesting Campership assistance. Campership funds are very limited, and we are not able to meet all requests. We need your help to see that Campership dollars are provided to those who most need assistance.
- A parent or Unit leader must fill out the Campership Application. These applications will be treated as confidential and only the Camping Director and the Outdoor Program Assistant will have access.
- We request that applications be submitted no later than Saturday, April 13, 2024. Applications are an online form and cannot be printed. Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
- Each application will be carefully and objectively reviewed and awards will be based solely on the degree of need as indicated on the form. Please be aware that all Camperships are up to 50% funding for each application. A lesser amount may be given, subject to the total number of applications received and amount of funds available, which varies yearly.
- All Campership applications will be reviewed and approved on or near Wednesday, April 17, 2024.
- Notifications will be emailed to the contact listed on the application on or around Friday, April 19, 2024. Any applications submitted after this date will be processed on a rolling basis.
- Acceptance of the Campership at the notified amount will be automatic. If the youth listed are no longer able to attend camp, the contact must notify the Scout Achievement Center as soon as possible.
- For the youth to receive the Campership, they must first be registered. If a deposit is required, the amount will not exceed 50% of the fee. DO NOT pay in full for a youth who has submitted a Campership application.
- If you feel you must deviate from this procedure for any reason, please contact the Outdoor Program Assistant via email at camping@danbeard.org to discuss this need.
- Campership Credits will be applied to each youth by Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
- Camperships are non-refundable and non-transferable if a youth cancels their registration.