Den 438

Why are AOL Dens are separated by gender?

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA)/Scouting America has specific policies regarding single-gender dens for Arrow of Light (AOL) Cub Scouts, who are typically in the 5th grade. According to the latest guidelines, AOL Dens must remain single-gender. This means that boys and girls are placed in separate Dens at this level.

This policy is designed to prepare them for joining single-gender Scouts BSA troops, which they will transition into after completing the AOL rank and award. The BSA believes that maintaining single-gender Dens at this stage helps ensure a smoother transition and better alignment with the structure of Scouts BSA Troops.

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  • Join the DBC Den 438 Facebook group.
  • Send an email message to the Den Leaders.

Introducing Den 438, a council-wide AOL Den for female Scouts!

Did you know that 76.5% of the female AOL Dens in the Dan Beard Council (DBC) have TWO or fewer Scouts as members? This makes it really difficult for members of these Dens to really learn about and experience the Patrol method.

The Dan Beard Council aims to create a Council-wide Den for solo fifth-grade girls, bridging the gap created by National policy that requires single-gender Dens. Den 438 aims to foster an inclusive environment where girls can build friendships, develop life skills, and complete Arrow of Light (AOL) achievements.

The purpose of Den 438 is to complement existing Packs, not to replace them. Girls will continue to be members of their current Pack, and in those respective Packs, they will receive recognition for their accomplishments as participants of Den 438. Den 438 serves as a unique opportunity to foster a sense of community and belonging, providing a platform where girls can work together, share experiences, and support one another.

How will this work?

Den 438 is open for all female AOL Scouts in DBC! Scouts that are already registered in a Cub Scout Pack will retain their membership in that Pack as their primary registration. They will then be registered as a multiple into Den 438 which is hosted by another local Pack. This is necessary in order for the Scouts and leaders from various Packs to meet together as a group without requiring approval from the Council to do so each time. Advancement will be tracked by each member’s home Pack.

Den 438 plans to have scheduled meetings three times a month at various locations around the Council. However, it is only necessary for Scouts only need to attend one meeting a month as the same adventure(s) will be worked at each of the meetings during that month. For example, the same Bobcat AOL adventure requirements will be worked on 9/30/2024, 9/16/2024. and 9/25/2024.

How can my female AOL Scout join Den 438?

  1. Attend a Den 438 meeting with your Scout.
  2. Complete a BSA Application form to add the necessary registration to your Scout’s membership record.
  3. Join the DBC Den 438 Facebook group to stay up to date on all activities and other important information.

Upcoming Den 438 Activities...

The AOL rank is meant to teach the Scout in the Den how a Patrol works so that they are ready to transition in to Scouts BSA Troop. In Scouts BSA, much of the planning should be done by the youth and the plan is to have some of the planning for Den 438 be done by the youth members as well. Since the overall plan hasn’t yet been completed, below is an overview of upcoming monthly themes:

  • September will be the “Bobcat” required adventure.
  • October will focus on preparing for an AOL family campout at Camp Craig with female Scouts BSA Troops where work can be done on the “Outdoor Adventurer,” parts of “Personal Fitness,” “Knife Safety,” and “Into the Woods” adventures.
  • November will likely be the  “Citizenship” required adventure (with a service project at Cub World) and the “Champions for Nature” adventure.
  • December will focus on the “First Aid” required adventure.

Den 438 Calendar

Use the DBC Den 438 Facebook group Events page to register for upcoming events.