Cub Scout Academic and Sports Program
cub academic letterSince Cub Scouting is designed to be an experience of fun and learning, a Cub Scout can earn belt loops and pins in the Academic and Sports Program. The belt loops and pins may be earned at any time and at any age. There are a number of area of interests including art, baseball, chess, fishing, music, skiing, and many more. After a Scout has completed the requirements, he should be recognized for his hard work.
There are two levels of recognition:
- Belt Loops may be earned by completing the three belt loop requirement in the desired academic or sports subject.
- Pins may be earned after he has completed the belt loop requirements and has completed the additional requirements that can be found in the reference material. The pins are displayed on the “Academic and Sports Letter.” There are no specific requirements for earning the letter, however, the pins and the letter are not intended to be displayed on the official Cub Scout uniform.