DBC Camp Staff Alumni Association > Join/Pay Dues
Join the DBC Camp Staff Alumni Association (DBCCSAA) and reconnect with your current and former coworkers from your days on staff at our Dan Beard Council summer camps! Your membership makes you eligible to attend our bi-monthly alumni events and gives you access to our alumni contact and networking database.
In order to be a member of the DBCCSAA, an individual must have served as a staff member for a summer camp program or have provided service in an extended capacity at a Dan Beard Council camp. Dan Beard Council Camp include any camp in the council history, including but not limited to:
- Challenge Camp
- Cub World/Adventure Camp
- Dan Beard Council NYLT/JLT
- Dan Beard Council Powder Horn
- Dan Beard Council Wood Badge
- Camp Friedlander
- Hatfield Advancement Camp
- Camp Hook
- Camp Myron Kahn
- Camp Superior
- Camp Marathon
- Camp Michaels
- Camp Craig
- Day Camp/Community Camp
Members must also be eligible to be a member of the BSA under current criteria.

Even if you choose not to join the DBC Camp Staff Alumni at this time, we invite you to join our email list to stay up to date on the latest camp and DBCCSAA news!
Join the DBC Camp Staff Alumni Association email newsletter list to stay up to date on the latest camp and DBCCSAA news, even if you choose not to become a member of the DBCCSAA at this time!
Pay Dues
Membership dues help fund camp improvements for the camp staff, the Camp Staff Scholarship Fund, and also support DBC camping efforts which includes things such as camperships, service projects, and more. Annual membership dues are collected on a dues calendar basis, running August 1st –July 31st.
While supplies last, members will also receive the official DBCCSAA council strip patch (CSP) to wear on their uniform. Additional patches may be purchased at a later date by association members.
DBC Camp Staff Alumni Association dues can be paid online using the Dan Beard Council payment system. Select the desired option below and click the associated button to pay.
Current Camp Staff
A discounted dues rate is available for current/most recent camp staff. Pay only $10!
Click here to pay Current Year Staff Due
Annual Membership
Regular annual membership dues are $15.
Click here to pay Membership Dues
Lifetime Membership
Lifetime members pay a one time fee of $200 and do not need to pay annual dues and will have their name displayed on the DBCCSAA website and plaques placed at the camps. Lifetime members will also receive a lifetime member name tag to wear proudly on their uniforms.