4/25Spring Social HourNetworking opportunity for staff alumniTBA (PM)TBD
End of 3/25Scout is Thrifty DayA thrifting challenge to help find odds and ends for the camps, may the best deals winTime TBATBD
4/5/25Camp Service DayHelp camp get ready for the upcoming summer season9 AMCamp Friedlander
4/25Cabin Clean-OutPrepare staff row for the incoming camp staff10 AMCamp Friedlander
6/7/25Wake the BlobTake the blob out of storage and help with setting it up10 AMCamp Friedlander
6/1/25Summer Social HourCome join us for networking,bowling and funTBATBA
8/1/25Dues cycle beginsPay your dues for the ’25-’26 season12 AMThe Internet
8/25Alumni Business Meeting and Summer Grill-OutAnnual event featuring a sports competition, food, update on the association, and preparations for officer nominations12 PMCub World, Big Boy Pavilion
8/13/25Officer nominations openOfficer nominations can be submitted12 AMThe Internet

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