Volunteer with the Scouts and give back to the youth in your community!
By volunteering with the Dan Beard Council, you will work with young people to build a better future for our country. Scouting volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences representing every occupation imaginable. The primary criteria is an interest in leading young people to become responsible, caring, competent citizens.
Volunteering also gives you an opportunity to develop new skills and build lifelong friendships while giving back to your community. The Dan Beard Council offers a strong training program to prepare volunteers to be successful in their roles. That’s why 96% of volunteers say they would recommend volunteering with the Boy Scouts of America to other adults. In fact, volunteers believe their time invested with BSA helps them be a better citizen, better parent, better leader, and a better team member.
There are a variety of volunteer positions available working directly with youth or supporting those that do. Positions vary greatly in time commitment from year-round and seasonal, to a few hours a week or a few hours a year.
Local units (packs, troops, crews, ships, and posts) are always looking for responsible and mature individuals who would like to help out as leaders. You could join a unit committee or become an assistant leader in the unit. To find a local unit use our unit search tool.
The programs and services provided by the Council would never happen without the dedication of the volunteers on numerous committees. Some of our most active include Camping, Membership Recruitment and Retention, Marketing, Advancement, and Training.
If you are interested in joining our Council and have skills that can contribute to one of our committees, click here to fill out our Volunteer form.
All courses needed to be fully trained are available online through my.Scouting.org. Steps to set up a my.Scouting account are available in each new leader’s packet. The council and each district conduct additional trainings throughout the year such as University of Scouting.
Before an individual can be registered as an adult volunteer, he or she must complete Youth Protection training.
For questions, please reach out to a Staff Member by our Staff Directory or call (513) 577-7700.