Welcome to the new danbeard.org.

Check here for regular updates and information about the new site.  Below you will find new features, tutorials, and more.


MyCouncil® user membership which allows members to track registrations and purchases and allows staff to target communicate with membership base. Learn about how to create a MyCouncil account.


Unit Webpages now give every unit in the Council the ability to have a FREE online presence.  You get direct access to edit the content.  These include features such as:
Editable home page content  Unit news and headlines  An events calendar  A group email tool  A place to store files to share with unit members  Security features to protect members and information  Other features to be added in the future
Learn more about the Unit Pages here.

Easy Checkout:  With your new MyCouncil account, checkout has never been easier.  Once you have populated your account details, the new system will auto-populate the main details for your registration so that you don’t have to type it in every time.
Also, you can upload your unit roster to your unit site.  From here you can easily manage registrations for unit by selecting the individuals who are attending a specific event.

Enhanced Calendaring System:  The new calendar and even management system is all connected.  One place for all of your registrations, events, facility reservations and more.  See the various calendars here.

Online Facility Availability and Reservations:  No more playing phone tag back and forth to figure out if a facility is available.  Use the new online facility reservation system to check the availability of all Dan Beard Council properties. Even better, you can reserve them right on the spot!