Volunteer Insurance Information
Insurance Information for Volunteers and Members
As a member of the BSA, the Dan Beard Council provides to you insurance coverage for most types of liability. By knowing that you are covered while participating in Scouting activities, you can enjoy Scouting without being concerned about liability or coverage. While every incident of liability has to be taken case by case, there are typically only a few reasons that someone would not be covered by insurance. These may include, but are not limited to:
- Not being a registered member of the BSA
- Not following the policies and guidelines of the BSA (see the Guide to Safe Scouting for Scouting’s policies that apply to units)
- Participating in criminal activity
- A unit does not file a Tour Plan when required for an outing.
Below is an overview of some of the insurance coverage provided to members.
Comprehensive General Liability Insurance
This coverage provides primary general liability coverage for registered volunteer Scouters with respect to claims arising out of an official Scouting activity with the exception that the coverage is excess over any insurance which may be available to the volunteer for loss arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle or watercraft. This insurance is only available while the vehicle or watercraft is in the actual use of a Scouting unit and being used for a Scouting purpose. Coverage is more than $15 million for bodily injury and property damage. Because of the high limits, volunteers should NOT be placed in a position where their assets are jeopardized because of a negligence liability claim or lawsuit.
The insurance provided unregistered Scouting volunteers through the BSA general liability insurance program is excess over any other insurance the volunteer might have to his or her benefit, usually a homeowner’s, personal liability, or auto liability policy.
There is no coverage for those who commit intentional or criminal acts.
To open a General Liability insurance claim, please contact the Scout Achievement Center at (513) 577-7700.
Council Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan
This accident and sickness insurance may be provided for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, LFL participants, and adult volunteer leaders registered in the council, and covers them for accidents and sickness (as well as accidental death and dismemberment) while participating in any official Scouting activity. This coverage is applied for by the council and is in effect on an annual basis.
Additional information on coverage, limits, etc., may be obtained by contacting the council office.
To open a claim for Accident or Sickness Insurance, please contact Kyle Acus at (513) 577-7707 or kyle.acus@scouting.org.
BSA Insurance for Chartered Organizations/Sponsors
BSA general liability insurance, effective since January 1, 1984, has covered chartered organizations on primary basis for any responsibility they may have because they hold a charter for Scouting.
Primary insurance means the chartered organization has exactly the same insurance as the BSA and its councils. It also means the BSA insurance will pay any and all expenses, claims or judgments against the chartered organization on Scouting related matters without asking the chartered organization and/or its own insurance to be involved.
The chartered organization is defined in BSA general liability insurance as being the chartered organization, including its board of directors or trustees, its officers and employees. This definition further includes the person with the title Chartered Organization Representative.
A certificate of insurance will be furnished upon request to the chartered organization as evidence of their coverage under BSA general liability insurance. To request a certificate of insurance, please email Belinda Francisco at belinda.francisco@scouting.org. BSA insurance runs from March 1 to March 1 and will not be allowed to lapse.
BSA’s first $1,000,000 of coverage is written with the Insurance Company of North America (CIGNA) under a manuscript form policy. It covers everything it does not exclude, and there are only seven exclusions, which are: any form of aviation, BSA owned automobiles, workers’ compensation, war and nuclear energy, produce recall, asbestos and pollution. The first three exclusions are insured elsewhere by BSA.
A tour plan is required when units travel outside their council boundaries or participate in certain activities. The tour plan should list the drivers’ names and limits of liability insurance carried. Tour plans must be submitted 21 days in advance of the activity.
Please report all serious incidents, accidents and/or sickness, or if a summons is served on a volunteer to the council service center immediately. Information on reporting incidents can be found on the Incident Reportingpage.