There are multiple sales methods that your Scouts can try this Fall. Using all of them will help you achieve your goals even faster.
Show & Sell is when Scouts have popcorn in hand so that they are able to show it and sell it to the customer on the spot. There are several types of Show and Sell that have proven successful for units.
Show & Deliver – Neighborhood With Product On Hand
One of the most effective sales methods! In this case, a unit signs out popcorn to a Scout who takes it throughout their neighborhood, selling as he goes. Product is brought along (in wagon or vehicle), making it a quick and easy process for the customer. So, it is like a mobile show & sell booth. Units should order for this as part of their show & sell order. A large percentage of homeowners say that no Scout has ever come to their door, missing this great opportunity. If the desired product is not on hand, an order can be taken and product delivered later.

Have your Scouts complete the SUPER TRIANGLE! The SUPER TRIANGLE is the 15 neighbors that surround their home. Make a triangle from your home by selling to the first 4 neighbors down, cross the street and sell to 7 houses back toward your home, cross back to your side of the street and stop by 4 neighbors on your way back home. Find a simple prize to encourage your Scouts. We’ve seen tremendous success from units who just have each Scout do this simple task.
Neighborhood Blitz & Blitz Day
A Blitz Day is an organized day for a group of Scouts to go out selling in a specific area together. Scouts have fun with their friends as they travel to a neighborhood. A neighborhood can be covered very quickly with several Scouts each going door to door.
Neighborhood Storefront
Promote your store in your neighborhood and hold a garage sale type of event where you can set up your store in a cul-de-sac or driveway. The Nextdoor App can be helpful with this method.
Scheduled Sales or Storefront Sales (Top Seller Approved!)
This type of Show & Sell is a lot like an “old school” lemonade stand. Your unit gets permission to have a booth in a high visibility area, and your Scouts sell actual popcorn product there on the spot. This method has been highly effective for many units. A unit can plan a Show & Sell day and split Scouts/families into shifts so that everyone takes a turn. Talk with local stores to setup a time to sell.
6+ Hour Seller
The average Scout will cover their costs for the year if they sell approximately 6 hours. That’s just 3 storefront shifts or a few trips around the neighborhood.

This method is where Scouts go to friends, family, and neighbors door-to-door to sell popcorn using an order sheet. Parents can also help by taking the “take to work” order forms to work. Later, at the end of the sale, the Scouts deliver the ordered products to the customers who ordered them.
TIP: Use leftover inventory from your Show & Sell to fill these orders.
The enhanced online sale means that you can sell any item online the same as in person. Scouts create accounts on Trails-end.com and send emails to people they know, asking for their support by buying popcorn. Scouts can even create their own customized selling page. Customers place online orders and have the popcorn shipped directly to their homes.