Cub Scout Leader Resources
Cub Scouting’s volunteer leaders work with youth and their families to improve their communities by enriching the lives of the families who live there. Cub Scout leaders support the family. They take an active part in helping to strengthen families and their boys and girls by providing a fun-filled, worthwhile program that teaches values.
- The Cub Scout Pack – An Organizational Chart
- The Pack Trainer
- Blue and Gold Banquets
- District and Council Activities
- Unit Awards
- Newsletter, Poster, and Calendar Templates
- Planning Your Annual Pack Budget, No-510-273
- Newsletter, Poster, and Calendar Templates
- So You’re a New Pack Committee Member, No. 510-240
- The Trainer’s EDGE
- Creating a Training Culture
- Staffing the District Committee (Log in to MyScouting to take this course online)
- Chartered Organization Representative Fast Start
- ScoutParents Unit Coordinator Fast Start (Log in to MyScouting to take this course online)
- Cub Scout Parent Information Guide, No. 520-259
- Selecting Cub Scout Leadership, No. 510-500
- Cub Scout Pack Newsletter and Calendar Templates
- Outdoor Events for New Cub Scouts, No. 510-299
- National Summertime Pack Award, No. 33748A
- Order of the Arrow Involvement in Cub Scouting, No. 510-069