BSA Tour and Activity Plan Termination Reminder and FAQ

On April 1, the Tour and Activity Plan will be turned off and no longer required. Attached are a few frequently asked questions, which will go up on the Tour and Activity Plan link. They are being provided for you to share with your staff prior to the April 1 launch. The information is not intended for distribution by you, your staff, or your volunteers. We suggest that you point all those with questions to the hyperlink above, which will contain the latest information as it evolves.

There are several council-centric FAQs that are not contained in the document, including:

Q. How long do we have to retain old Tour and Activity Plans?

A. Paper Tour and Activity Plans should be retained for three years or until April 1, 2020, unless there was an incident during the activity. If there was, then they should be maintained permanently.

Note: No action on your part is required to retain electronic Tour and Activity Plans. Access to view the plans will be maintained the same as the current process via your system administrator.

Q. When should we start communicating this change to or volunteers?

A. Should you wish to have your own communications, you may communicate to volunteers anytime on or after April 1. The IT plan is to turn off the visibility of the application on on Friday, March 31.